yearbook intro

1. Catchy, colorful title
2. Blank pages for signatures
3. Introduction to the school
4. Quotes from students
5. Pictures of teachers and students having fun
6. Pictures taken at dances
7. Event pictures (homecoming, pep rallies, etc)
8. Clubs
9. Band
10. Choir
11. Sports
12. Class pictures
13. Teacher's pictures
14. Dedication pages
15. World events during the school year
16. Classroom pictures
17. School administration
18. Award ceremonies
19. Yearbook staff
20. Principal's page
21. Headings
22. Titles of each section
23. Page numbers
24. Bindings to keep book together
25. Index

1. Keep Bailey Weird
2. Bailey Middle School
3. Thematic Element is keeping Bailey fun
4. There are ten sections
5. My favorite spread is "Keeping Bailey Athletic"...sports spread.
6. There is no index.
7. Yes, there are tons of pictures of groups of people having fun and participating in clubs and organizations.
8. There is no table of contents.
9. 881 kids went to Bailey Middle School.
10. It is from the state of Texas.


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