1. In the reading the pictures where very detailed, and you could tell that the photos took time to take. I say this because even in one of the sentences he said that he had to wait 18 days to take only 4 pictures of a lion. You can tell that he is very dedicated to what e loves to do and that he has no problem waiting as long as he needs to, to get the perfect picture.
3. In the photo I chose A elephant has dust coming off of him on one side of his body, and it looks like the elephant is walk right at the person taking the picture. This picture is my favorite because it makes the elephant look like it is walking right at you and not stopping.
4. In the photo I picked it shows avoiding mergers. In avoiding mergers the subject in the picture has to be obvious.
5. He uses a telephoto lens because he likes the amount of ski and landscape he can see when using it.
6. He loves finding the animals in these settings.
7. His hope is to keep taking the pictures he loves to take.
8. "There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals in East and Southern Africa.
6. He loves finding the animals in these settings.
7. His hope is to keep taking the pictures he loves to take.
8. "There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals in East and Southern Africa.
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